contact member services for more information / (385)-254-5631
Day Pass
Punch Passes
No Longer Available
Free 7-Day Trial
The 7-day “free trial” is offered when an individual signs up for a plan. No billing will occur until after the 7-days are complete.
1. The Training Room reserves the right to extend or revoke a membership to anyone.
2a. Must be at least 12 years of age to hold a membership.
2b. 12 years to 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult (18+ years of age)
3. All members must sign a liblity waiver (if under age, a legal guardian must sign in your behalf).
4a. Open gym memberships only include access to the gym and use of equipment - all other services/amenities are considered "add-on"
4b. Old Memberships (including benefits) will remain valid until such time proper notification is given of a change.
5a. The Training Room expects all members to adhere to a code of conduct - no in appropriate behavior will be tolerated.
5b. Photos & Video filming is NOT allowed without prior approval from TTR management (no members can be caught on film without their written approval)
5c. The Training Room may impound cameras and/or filming equipment and cancel a membership if the filming policy is abused
5d. The Training Room will allow filming within the facility upon appropriate approval and a rental fee (see front desk for details)
5e. All Members are expected to wipe off equipment after use and put equipment, wieghts or any other used items back in their proper place.
6a. Accounts are expected to remain current, if circumstances change and you need to "freeze" your account, it is the members responsability to contact TTR.
6b. It is the Members responsability to Cancel their account.. The Member is responsible for any and all charges required to close their account.
7. No children under the age of 12 are allowed past the front desk waiting area. unless enrolled in a class or accompanied by an adult (18+ years of age))
8. A current member is allowed 2 guest passes per month. The guest enters for free, but must set up a profile with member services.
9. A guest must be accompanied by an active member. A current member can purchase additional guest passes for $10 each (for that day).
10. A "FREE 1-WEEK TRIAL" is available to a prospective member who signs up for a plan. The new member will not be billed until after the 1-week trial.
11. A DAY PASS can be purchaed for $20 each.
12. If a member with an annual contract should cancel before fulfilling the contract, a $250 cancellation fee will apply regardless of the time remaining on the contract
13. When a member fulfills the initial annual contract and cancels their membership, there will be no cancellation penalty.
14. Memberships are not transferable.
15. A membership can only be paused or put on hold for no more than 60-days in a 12 month period.
16. It is the members responsability to make changes to their account by either contacting TTR Customer Service or make the changes themself through the CA-app
17. Members payments will be automatically run every 3-days after the due date or as long as a balance shows on thier account.
18. A failed or delinquent payment may result in penalty fees if the member has not made other arrangements with TTR.
19. The Family Plan is reserved for married or single adult couples with dependents living within the same household.